About the Program

The Coach.Teach.Write program is provided by the AIR and the NWP as part of an Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

The project provides professional development for middle school ELA teachers to implement narrative writing activities in their classrooms. The CTW program is built on more than a decade of research and development and helps meet teacher needs in writing across genres.

Meet the Partners

Logo: American Institutes for Research

AIR is an independent, not-for-profit research organization. AIR generates high-quality evidence and helps organizations apply evidence-based practices. Education is its largest body of work. Learn more

Logo: NWP

NWP is a network of teachers, university faculty, researchers, writers, and community educators working to advance writing and the teaching of writing. NWP focuses the knowledge, expertise, and leadership of our nation’s educators on sustained efforts to improve writing and learning for all learners.  Learn more

Explore the Power and Purpose of Narrative Writing for Students

Writing can be challenging to teach, but it is a key skill for boosting student achievement across multiple subject areas.

Narrative writing offers:

  • positive effects on students’ reading comprehension and fluency
  • a method to connect their life experiences with learning
  • a way for students to build strong classroom relationships.

The Coach.Teach.Write (CTW) program focuses on the writing genre known as personal narrative, which is a story from one’s own experience that conveys an idea or conclusion that the writer considers important.

Students outside school at picnic table with books and laptop computers

Watch a Webinar to Learn More

Interested to explore the CTW program in greater detail?

View a 15-minute webinar recording to learn:

  • What is included the program
  • What program implementation looks like
  • How lesson resources and sequences work
  • Which districts are eligible to participate
  • How data collection and research are embedded in the project.